S.T.E.M. History / Timeline
This page will always be a work-in-progress. It's a passion project for the author, with many motives, including:
- Developing a deeper understanding of modern knowledge. In the face of a limited time (especially with other, more important commitments to family, friends, co-workers, etc.), I need to focus on the most important and interesting things and accept that I don't have time for most of the detail.
- Learning about how our forebears thought about the problems, and how they solved them. eg., the year is __, and you are ___, and next year you will be inventing the transistor. What is your current thinking?
- A way of showing respect for those who have contributed to our modern day knowledge and comfort.
The list below is sorted chronologically:
- Vintage Calculators Web Museum. Includes a chronology of calculator developments from ancient times to present time.